Friday, June 3, 2011

Robbers' Roost Robbed (and Much More)

Well, the bad news is that today my laptop got robbed out of my sister's car. Unfortunately, this had the majority of my BANG! files and information, leaving me almost up the creek without a paddle. The chances of getting this computer back (or receiving any compensation for it) are slim to none. On the flip side, a lot of my BANG! design files are on my old laptop, and so I have only lost most things post-March. Of course, this is still a lot of stuff, and will most greatly influence my work on the Robbers' Roost expansion.

I will try to get on this again, but I don't think a June release will happen anymore like I was hoping for. Honestly, I expect something far more like an August release. Sorry. I will have to redesign many files, although I must say that I am grateful that I posted some things online for you guys that I will now have the benefit of reusing myself. Redoing the Death Mesa and Robbers' Roost guidebooks for patched information will also be a major pain. Ugh; but such is life. Things might be a little slower here at the BANG! Blog for the next little bit.


  1. Wow, that sucks pretty bad. I would say to report it stolen, etc, whatever and see if the police won't eventually turn something up. Not that I would rely on that, but it might be nice if they do somehow get it back. Either way, I'm sure we'll all be patient for a release of RR, so don't push too hard about it. Take your time and recover what you can.

  2. Yeah; I have reported serial numbers to the police (my sister got some things stolen too). Who knows if it will turn up. Of course, one hopes it will, but you also keep in your mind reasonable expectations. I apprecisate the sympathy. Thanks!

  3. Menuda faena.

    A ver si tienes suerte con la búsqueda de la policía.


    José Labajos

  4. Ya es mala suerte, lo siento mucho.

    Ostris, otro español comentando por aqui

  5. sorry about your loss.

    I have been following your blog for a while. Long time lurker but first time commenter.

    Keep up what you are doing man, it is fun to read your updates and we are all anticipating the release of RR. Take your time!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. HI! I'm very sorry for what happened. I followed for a long time the progress of DM and especially of RR, i love this expansion. I know what it's like starting all over again but I am convinced that you can do it because you are great! we are all with you!


  8. Thanks for all of the support everyone! I will get on RR again soon. I just got home from the family reunion and will work on restoring and redesigning lost files. It will be a little bit of a pain to get Adobe on the phone and revoke the CS3 license on the stolen computer and transfer it to another. In the mean time, I will deliver some more text-driven content: character guides, variants, reviews, and rules explanations. That should keep this blog from becoming too much of a graveyard!


    take a look at how we play this game. we are emailed 3 characters and we have to dress accordingly!! it's amazing! can't wait to see what else you come up with here. this site rocks!!

  10. Love it, Adam! You guys are hardcore! I can't get any group together like that to do a dress-up. Best I've gotten for western costumes is at a murder mystery.
